Write your first package

This is a guide to creating your first c3pm package. If you are familiar with basic programming concepts such as variables and functions, you can complete this tutorial.

What you'll build

You'll implement a simple library with a function that adds two numbers. We will then show you how to publish your package.

Step 1: Create the starter c3pm project

Use the ctpm init command to create a new project and make sure you select library as project type:

ctpm init test-add
? Project name test-add
? Project type [Use arrrows to move, type to filter]
> library

The command creates a C++ project directory called test-add that contains a simple program that prints a string.


The code for your project is in src/test-add.cpp and the header file is in include/test-add.hpp.

Step 2: Write your package

It's time to write your package, copy and paste the following code in your src/test-add.cpp:

#include "test-add.hpp"
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

Step 3: Build your package

At the root of the project, build with the following command:

ctpm build

The command builds your library and you should now have a file named libtest-add.a at the root.

Step 4: Publish your package

You need to be logged in to publish a package. You can create your account on our website.

Once you've registered, you can now login via the command line interface with the ctpm login command:

ctpm login

Use the ctpm publish command to publish your package:

ctpm publish

Next Step

Congratulations !

You've written your first C++ package with c3pm.

You can view all your published packages on our website in your profil section. You can also check out other people packages and search for packages.