

c3pm_version - mandatory

The version of c3pm you are using, in semantic versioning format.

type - mandatory

This is either library or executable.

When you initialize your project, you have to choose between a library or an executable.

name - mandatory

The name of your project

When you initialize your project, you have to put a name on your project.

description - optional

A description of your project

When you initialize your project, you can put a description on your project.

version - mandatory

The version of your project in semantic versioning format.

When you initialize your project, you can choose the version of your project. You cannot publish the same version twice, you will need to update this field when you want to publish your package again.

publish - optional

This section is related to the publication of your package. This category contains three fields:


Path to your header directory


Files you want to publish


Files you don't want to publish

build - optional

This category contains two fields:


This category contains two fields:


Name of the adapter you want to use


Version of the adapter you want to use in semantic versioning


The configuration of the adapter. It may vary a lot depending on the adapter you are using

documentation - optional

The url for your project's documentation.

website - optional

The url for the project's website.

repository - optional

The url for the project's repository.

contributors - optional

A listing of name/pseudo of the contributors of the project.

standard - optional

The version of C++ you are using.

Default value: 20

license - mandatory

The license of your project.

Default value: UNLICENSED

dependencies - optional

A ist of all the dependencies of your project.

tags - optional

A list of tags to help the user find your package on the platform


c3pm_version: v1
type: library
name: project
description: this is an exemple of a c3pm.yml file
version: 1.0.0
include_dirs: "path/to/headers/dir"
- "tutorial.txt"
- "my-environment"
name: "exampleAdapter"
verion: 0.2.8
config: {}
documentation: ""
website: ""
repository: ""
contributors: ['Author A.', 'Author B.']
standard: "20"
license: MIT
dependencies: {
"superlib": 1.0.3
"examplelib": 0.0.7
- 'example'
- 'utils'
- 'c3pm'